Whether you are a first-time visitor to this site or to the Church, a newcomer to the area, a returning member, or a longstanding parishioner, we would appreciate your thoughts or suggestions. Please feel free to tell us whatever is on your mind. Either Father Fred or someone from the parish will get back to you as quickly as possible.
We respond to all feedback and look forward to hearing from you!
You are most welcome to leave a message below or on the “Let Us Pray!” blog page, or you may contact any of our Parish Leaders directly:
- Priest-in-Charge: The Rev’d Canon Frederick Erb III, D.Hum. – Reach Father Fred directly by telephone at (814) 207-3109
- Senior Warden: Bruce D. Shannon
- Junior Warden and Treasurer: William V. Shannon
- Clerk of the Vestry, and Altar Guild Director: Carol Beahan
- Education and Formation Director: Joy A. Ashley-Douglas
- You can also speak to someone in our Parish Office, or leave a message and we will try to return your call within 48 to 72 hours. Our parish office telephone/fax number is (814) 376-6146.
We hope to hear from you very soon! May God richly bless you and yours!